Credit repair is actually the process of removing inaccurate, unfounded, out of date, false, and erroneous information from your credit report. Your credit reports dictates your credit score. The 3 major credit bureaus collect information from lenders, creditors and debt collectors and apply it to your credit report. Based on that information. Your credit scores is determined. This information could included the balance on loan or credit cards, credit inquires, debt to income ratio, and most importantly, credit utilization(the percentage of deb you have to available credit)
Yes, credit repair is legal & we use the law in your favor. That law is called “The fair credit reporting act”. The FCRA gives you the right to dispute any item on your credit report. if that item can not be verified within a reasonable time (usually 30 days).It must be removed. Studies have shown that 79% of credit reports contain errors. This is nearly 8 out of 10 reports. Therefore most credit reports improve immediately. For items that disputed that they are not errors, or creditor or furnisher is often is unable to find the records or signed documents within the allocated time and the item gets removed. sometimes the furnisher will say it has been verified by not offer proof. it is our job to prepare documents that challenge this and we are very skilled at that.
We can only fight to remove any item that fall under the guidelines of the FCRA. These are items that should be removed due to being inaccurate, unfounded, out of date, false and/or erroneous.
Inquiry and Personal Information Deletion – Our Inquiry Deletion and Personal Information Program is consist of One Time Dispute Process of your inquiry and personal information on your account.
Dispute Pro Program – The Dispute Pro Program consist of 3 – 6months Dispute Process Program of :
a. Inquiry Deletion b. Personal Information Deletion c. Derogatory Deletion d. Negative Items Deletion
Dispute Diamond Pro Program – The Dispute Diamond Pro Program consist with 1-3 months Dispute Process Program of: a. Inquiry Deletion
b. Personal Information Deletion c. Derogatory Deletion d. Negative Items Deletion
PLUS a Personal Contact with 🔮The Oracle🔮 himself Mr. Rabieh Tayfour for Coaching, Travel and Business Hacks
Inquiry and Personal Information Deletion : 1 time payment for Inquiry and Personal Information Deletion will take 24-72hours.
Dispute Pro Program : 3 – 6months Dispute Process Program
Dispute Diamond Pro Program : 1 – 3months Dispute Process Program
Inquiry and Personal Information Deletion : $1,000
Pro Program : $1,500 – $2,500
Dispute Diamond Pro Program : $5,000 – $15,000
If you got any questions please do not hesitate to send us a message
If you got any questions please do not hesitate to send us a message